A clown in each hospital, new law in Buenos Aires. In Spain we have Pallapupas and Smiling Doctors.

It is not pleasant for anyone but when it is a child who has to be admitted to a hospital, it is even worse, harder physically but especially emotionally.

In Buenos Aires, Argentina have thought about how to make this hard transit of minors a little more pleasant through hospital centers and have decided to do so by law and by the hand of an expert in laughter and childish smiles. A clown in each Buenos Aires hospital by law, a law charged with common sense.

A clown in each department of pediatrics of the provincial and municipal centers, that is what marks this new law for Buenos Aires hospital centers so that the traumatic hospitalization suffered by children, can be softened by the work of the "payamédicos" as they have already been called in Argentina.

And above all to emphasize this measure in the importance of "hospital humanization" something that is sometimes forgotten with adults but should never be forgotten when we talk about minors and the need to treat patients with a comprehensive approach. Your mood can help to improve your health and that in the children's universe is even more evident, hence the importance of these new smile professionals in hospital centers.

Patch Adams

The news led me to immediately remember Hunter Doherty "Patch" Adams, surely more than one you recognize him for the magnificent film starring Robin Williams in which he told the story of this American doctor who bet at all times to treat the mood of patients when their health was also treated during their hospital stay.

He was born in 1945 and every year he continues to organize a group of volunteers to travel to different countries of the world and bring with their clown costumes a pinch of humor to orphans, patients or other people who may need it.

Adams is recognized as the inventor of laughter therapy for medical and therapeutic purposes and responsible for including this therapy in modern medicine.

Doctors Smiles and Pallapupas

In Spain we don't have an Adams Patch but we do have the Theodora Foundation on the one hand and the Pallapupas on the other, don't you know them?

The Theodora Foundation He insists on filling the children's plants of the Spanish hospitals with smiles, a huge task for which they have two secret weapons: their enormous hearts and their magical clown costumes.

Theodora Foundation works the smile doctors For more than twenty years, humanizing the hospital stay of patients, especially children.

Its creator André Poulie, had a complicated childhood with long hospital stays in which his mother Theodora was responsible for entertaining him out of the boredom of the hospital routine. Hence the tribute to her by putting her name to this international foundation.

In Spain there are 30 Smile Doctors who work in 20 hospitals since the year 2000.

The Pallapupas They are another organization that also strives to bring smiles to all the people who are hospitalized, focusing logically on children.

Els anys crumple the pell, but give up the enthusiasm wrinkle l'ànima! Help us to remain enthusiastic, fes-te Palladrí! "The years wrinkle the skin, but giving up the enthusiasm wrinkles the soul" Help us to continue getting excited, become Palladrino! #Pallapupas #RiureOmpledeVida # LaughLlenadevida #risa #smile #picoftheday # happy birthday #divendres #hospital

A photo posted by Pallapupas (@pallapupas) on Mar 18, 2016 at 4:21 p.m. PDT

They coordinate with the teams of the hospitals in which they carry out their actions, in which they work and there they contribute their good work to ensure that the hostile environment that a hospital center can mean for a child, is transformed into an environment in which the Child is not only careful but also accompanied, understood and also fun!

Of course, both with the Theodora Foundation and with the Pallapupas, you can collaborate through their websites while we hope that by law, as happens in Buenos Aires, there will be a place for these doctors of the spirit, the smile and the desire to see Life always as a starting point.

Video: Clowns required by law to entertain children in hospital (July 2024).