Eleven movie parents that we love

The cinema is a source of inspiration in many aspects, that is undeniable and in this of being parents, because perhaps a little too although sometimes what we see on the big screen is several hundred kilometers from reality, that we are not never forget

Taking things with a little sense of humor, we can take a look at some of the most recognizable parents in the world of cinema, exactly I bring eleven movie parents that we love (and the last one, a classic). There are only a few, I insist, there are many more, but I especially liked these. Do you cheer up? The same one resembles you or ... you him.

Dennis Quaid in "Mine, yours, ours"

I start with the surpassed dad who is without a doubt Dennis Quaid in "Mine, yours, ours" If you have not seen the movie you have the perfect excuse for an afternoon of family cinema in these next days off.

The laughter is assured with the anguish of this methodical dad who discovers that raising children is very far from instruction books and military discipline.

Christopher Plummer in "Smiles and Tears"

It is also true that it looks a lot like the misplaced dad who represents Christopher Plummer in "Smiles and Tears". The one that can roll a governess wanting to change! Well ... and music and a war, of course.

Marlin in "Looking for Nemo"

The worried dad is Marlin in "Looking for Nemo" there is no dad who will not leave everything for his son, until he finds him and if you hurry me to give him a scolding later, when he had found him, for going out to swim without permission to the open sea, that one thing does not remove the other.

Robert de Niro and Steve Martin

Parents who have daughters at home will be highly reflected in Robert de Niro or Steve Martin, in the movies "Her parents" Y “The father of the bride” respectively, maybe not now and maybe it takes some time but suddenly, one day the girl has grown up and nobody scares it, I think.

Will Smith

The empathic dad is without a doubt Will Smith and twice, more attached to today in "Looking for happiness" and with a more futuristic halo in "After earth" curiously in both works with his son, with his real son I mean.

Greg Kinnear in "Little Miss Sunshine"

The slow reaction father could be Greg Kinnear in "Little Miss Sunshine"At the beginning, he is a little lost in his paternal role but there comes a time when he decides that we must act in favor of his children and put the world on its own if it is necessary.

Robin Williams in "Mrs. Doubtfire"

The father involved to the core could be Robin Williams in "Mrs. Doubtfire" that when things get dodgy, few weapons more effective than the sense of humor and ingenuity, tons of ingenuity to get ahead with whatever.

Roberto Benigni in "Life is beautiful"

Ingenuity and love left over to Roberto Benigni in "Life is beautiful" I believe that this is the father that we would all want to be in such a desperate situation, the one who makes the pain not touch or stain the innocence of his son.

Tom Cruise in "War of the Worlds"

The fittest father is Tom Cruise in "War of the Worlds" that does not stop running and on enduring a teenager with all that that entails in the midst of a Martian invasion, I do not even want to think about it!

Sean Connery in "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"

And the father whom we all recognize, as children we were before we were fathers (and mothers) is undoubtedly a Sean Connery in "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" don't tell me you didn't empathize with the character even more after meeting his holy father.

Dark Vader in "Star Wars"

No, we could not leave without talking about the movie father with capital letters, the father of the parents, the father of the force and the dark sides, the only character that is remembered for the phrase in which he recognizes his paternity, yes Dark Vader from "Star Wars" He is a father who almost seems a little less alike, although the purists do not agree, this is the "classic" I referred to from the beginning.

Video: Eleven & Mike. I should have saved you (July 2024).