Pediatricians warn of the danger of wheeled shoes

The sneakers with wheels They have been a real revolution and a worldwide sales success, to the point that they have already joined the collection of children's favorite wheels, where bicycles, scooters, skates stand out, and now also the shoes with wheels.

Funny are a while, sure (more than one would have wanted to have them as children), however it seems that they are also dangerous, and some pediatricians are warning of the danger they pose for many children, who suffer falls with them and sometimes even fractures.

Up to five girls with fractures in a week

We have been able to read it in the pediatrician's blog José María Carmona Ponce, who explains that in a week he saw up to five girls with a broken wrist as a result of some fall with this type of shoes. When discussing it with his traumatology colleagues, they confirmed that it was no accident, because almost every day they see injuries caused by the use of these shoes.

And it is that although they are not skates, because they only have a wheel in the heel of the shoe, at the moment the toe is raised the child can roll as if he were wearing some, with the difference that most parents put protections on a child who wears roller skates, but not a child wearing roller shoes.

In U.S.A. they are old acquaintances

Apparently, this type of shoe began to be sold in the USA. back in the year 2000. As sales increased, accidents were added to them to the point that in 2007 a study was published in the magazine Pediatrics with the intention of doing the same as this pediatrician: warn of the danger of its use.

In this study it was found that lesions with them were more frequent in girls, that the average age of children who came to the emergency room was 10 years and that, although the most common was that a wrist fracture occurred, there were also fractures of arm, dislocations of elbow and injuries to ankle, foot and leg. In addition, they observed that a large number of children (20%) suffered the accident the first time I used them.

Skates or slippers?

The problem with this type of shoe is that we don't call them skates, because they aren't. They are sneakers "with wheels." In fact, you can put them on and take them off, as you prefer, and many children wear them in their daily lives, even to school, as if they were normal shoes.

Perhaps that is the problem, which are considered slippers and not skates, although they have the ability to behave like skates, causing them to lose their balance and causing falls in children who do not yet dominate them.

By this we mean that it is not that it is necessary for a child to wear a helmet and protections whenever they wear these shoes, but yes you should use them the first few days until you master them.

Video: Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy (July 2024).