Tips for storing breast milk in summer

High temperatures, changes in habits and routines often make it necessary to use a breast pump and store breast milk To feed the baby. Extraction methods, hygiene habits, storage patterns, precautions and how to subsequently heat breast milk are essential so that you do not lose all your properties.

Hygiene habits

Salty skin, sweat, tanning creams or aftersun, sand and gels can contaminate breast milk, so you have to be very clear about hygiene habits. Also the mother's hands and the instruments used, both the breast pump and the storage containers, must be totally clean.

Extraction methods

The extraction can be done manually, or with the help of a breast pump. Among the electric and battery operated breast pumps, there are single (one breast at a time) and double extraction (both breasts at the same time). The Chicco Portable Electric Breast Pump allows safe and effective milk extraction during the delicate period of breastfeeding.

Practical and flexible: it works with both alkaline batteries and its network adapter. The mother has the option of regulating the speed of suction. It allows you to choose the intensity of the aspiration and its anatomical cup wraps any breast size and favors a correct extraction of the milk. The soft silicone coating gently massage the breast and allows greater adhesion to the cup.

Storage guidelines

According to the Spanish Association of Pediatrics, and the Breastfeeding Committee, the recommendations for preserve and store breast milk They are as follows:

During the summer, because of the high temperatures, breast milk can be extracted for later use, ensuring its adequate preservation in the refrigerator or freezer, depending on the time it will take to use it, since the usual temperature parameters Environment are hard to maintain. At room temperature

  • 15 ° C: 24 hours
  • 19-22 ° C: 10 hours
  • 25 ° C: 4 to 6 hours
  • 30-38 ° C: 4 hours

Refrigerated (in fridge)

Between 0 and 4 ºC: 8 days The more stable the temperature, the better the milk will be stored, so you should not put the milk in the refrigerator door. With greater reason in summer, since the refrigerator door opens and closes many more times.


In a freezer in the same refrigerator: 2 weeks. In a freezer that is part of the refrigerator but with separate doors (combi type): 3-4 months (because the temperature varies when the door opens with a certain frequency).

In a separate freezer, commercial type, with constant temperature of -19 ºC: 6 months or more. Ideally, quickly cool the extracted milk (in a bowl of cold water) and then freeze it as soon as possible. If the extraction is done at home and the milk is not going to be used that same day, it is best to freeze it. If the extraction is done outside the home, it can be stored in a portable cooler with frigolines and frozen as soon as you get home.

How to store breast milk

Breast milk extracted should always be stored in containers intended for food use. Before use, it is convenient to clean these containers thoroughly with hot water and soap, then clearing them and letting them air dry. The dishwasher can also be used.

Hermetic containers Chicco Natural Feeling for milk are ideal in case of excess milk, or when it is impossible to breastfeed directly to the baby. Thanks to the hermetic seal, they allow hygienic preservation of breast milk, preserving its nutritional properties. Made of polypropylene, unbreakable plastic, and BPA free, they are easy to sterilize and can be stored in the refrigerator or freezer.

How to defrost and heat the extracted milk

The milk can be defrosted dipping the bowl in another with hot water, better than heating it directly, that is to say to the water bath. It is preferable not to use the microwave because heating is irregular and burns may occur. Once heated, it should be stirred before checking the temperature.

Defrosted milk can be stored in the refrigerator 24 hours but it should not be frozen again. It is preferable to defrost small amounts, which are to be used immediately, to avoid losses of nutrients and defense factors. The milk the baby has tasted should not be stored again.

With these recommendations and proper breast pump feeding your baby, even if you're not, will be easy and safe, and the breastmilk You will not lose any of its properties.

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Video: 7 Breast Milk Storage Tips. Breastfeeding (July 2024).