Prevention of heat illness in children (video)

Thermometers rise and we are not always as fresh as we would like. Children especially suffer from heat, and are more susceptible to certain risks due to high temperatures. What diseases are caused by heat? What can we do to protect them? In this video they talk about prevention of heat illness in children.

This is probably the first heat wave of summer, but in these latitudes we have a few more, with July and August ahead. It is important to take into account certain recommendations and we will talk about them. These are some of the diseases caused by heat in children.

  • Skin rashes or rashes, caused by excessive sweating. You have to keep children hydrated, with lots of fluids, creams ...

  • Heatstroke, when body temperature rises above 41 degrees. It can pose serious health risks, but it is prevented with basic care and a good diet.

  • Heat stroke, can cause seizures, coma and even death. Although we often use it as synonyms, in the video they separate it as the most severe degree of heat stroke.

  • We also remind you of another of the risks of high temperatures, heat exhaustion.

  • In infants under one year of age, it may appear as sweat or miliaria.

This is a video from the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas that summarizes these diseases and reminds us how to prevent them, avoid a heat stroke.

There are some basic care for children when it is very hot: Do not go out in the central moments of the day, when it is hotter; protect them from the sun; keep them well hydrated; they wear fresh clothes; use, where possible, non-direct ventilation or air conditioning.

Video | Youtube
In Babies and more | Summer with children: tips on high temperatures, Heat exhaustion, another risk of high temperatures for children, Is a heat wave coming? Don't ruin the day with the kids

Video: Cincinnati Sports Medicine - Heat Illness. Cincinnati Children's (July 2024).