"Eugenia is born": the story for children to become familiar with pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding

A few days ago the story was published 'Eugenia is born', which is part of the Discovering Maternity project - workshops taught in schools about the physiological processes of pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding - of the association El Parto es Nuestro.

The story has been 'Honorable Mention' for the quality of the text of the IV Illustrated Children's Story Contest organized by the Catalan Federation of Breastfeeding Support Groups; the texts are by Candy Tejera, and the illustrations by Cristina Méndez. Eugenia is born intends to contribute that children are familiar with these processes in an entertaining way, and at the same time didactic, and is therefore ideal as an educational tool for both teachers and parents, to talk to their young children about these issues, especially before the arrival of a new brother.

Hello! My name is Eugenia. Do you want me to tell you a secret? Today is my day, because today I am going to be born ... When my mother goes into labor, her uterus will start to move, and she will feel a kind of gnats called contractions, which are small pushes of the uterus that will help me out into the world ... My wish is May all children have a beautiful birth. Like me!!

Eugenia is the protagonist, and speaks directly to children in the first person about how it has been developed, how it will be born and then feed, you can buy it here. The promotional price is 11 euros.

Source | Childbirth is Ours in Peques and More | Do you want to make a gift for a newborn? 'A life to live' you will like, what better gift than to accompany the girls to know and love themselves through a story? Interview with Carla Trepat, 'Fathers': a video that shows the role of men during childbirth, and the excitement of receiving the newborn

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