The father who leaves a story drawn every day to his children at the school sandwich

When we were little at school the children's war it was that if the lunch sandwich was wrapped in newspaper, failing brown, or aluminum foil. Because those who had money to buy the snack every day at school were obviously out of this war.

What I think that neither father nor mother did was what he currently does David Laferriere, a graphic designer and illustrator who also does Doodles. David says that he has been doing it since 2008 and that he has done it in the little bag in which he introduces the sandwich or sandwich that his children take to school. It also explains that each drawing is done once you have finished saving the food, who takes a picture and uploads it to Flickr. And he also says that his children do not see the drawing until lunch time arrives at school.

For the companions of his children, this father has to be a great attraction and I would have asked him to go through class to explain his creations and of course to ask for a drawing for one of them.

For now, and for the rest of the fathers / mothers, what we have left is to make sure that the children have their snack or lunch in the bag and that they eat everything. As we are more creative we will see what we add in the backpack. Or you if you do some creativity every day?

Video: Exact Instructions Challenge - THIS is why my kids want to kill me. Josh Darnit (July 2024).