Children think about the draft Education Law

The Children's Platform of Spain It organizes workshops for children, and which aim to address current issues in education. The activity is part of the program of 'child participation in the national policy of children' (PENIA), and will be held until the end of October.

The workshops are aimed at girls and boys between 7 and 17 years old coming from Councils and social organizations of children of various Autonomous Communities and have a duration of 7 or 8 hours so it could be organized in one or two working days with the The kids. As a general rule from the PENIA clearly identify the child participation they are looking for: it is a right and an end in itself, it constitutes the means to guarantee other rights, the protagonists are girls and boys, it is key to forming citizenship, and the participation in spaces and practices they experience on a daily basis is prioritized.

And this time, It is intended that the participating boys and girls know, analyze and can contribute their opinions and ideas as full citizens on the Draft Education Law, presented on June 29 at the Council of Ministers.

In short, they manage to assess the situation of education in Spain, provide proposals and solutions and integrate into the process of raising awareness of their school and other environments of which they are part, all in a playful way and through activities adapted to their age.

Take pictures in school, interview teachers, record a video, tell the most interesting stories of school life, among others, will become some of the activities included in the workshops organized

Childhood organizations or councils can request a workshop for their groups by contacting the email address [email protected]

This action is fruit of an effort to promote child participation, so that children contribute their point of view on the closest environment. I often have the feeling that in our country we are still far from a real involvement of children in society, so we celebrate any initiative with that goal.

Video: EDITORIAL ANALYSIS !! !! The Draft National Education Policy (July 2024).