A mother shares the big change in her son, after doing a "detox" of electronic devices at home

For some decades, technology began to be part of our lives and the screens have gradually gained ground and are practically a staple in most homes. In addition to providing us with entertainment, they help us stay close with family and distant friends, and we can keep up with what's happening in the world.

However, like everything, must be used with measureAs we have seen in various studies, excessive use of these could have negative consequences, particularly in the development of children.

An example of this is the testimony of a mother, who After realizing many negative attitudes his son had, he decided to do an electronic "detox" at home, and after a few days, he shares with astonishment how much he had changed thanks to his decision to remove the screens from his life.

Susannah Lewis is a mother blogger of two children, who recently shared in a post on her Facebook page the great transformation that her son had, after she and her husband decided to take away all the electronics.

In Babies and more “screen time” is more than setting limits

It all started a night in which they discovered that their 8 year old son was using his iPod at midnight on weekdays, that being clearly the reason why lately the child had many difficulties getting up early in the morning to go to school.

Susannah says that, by way of punishment, she and her husband they took and stored all the electronic devices that were at home indefinitely, including the video game console, and of course, the iPod they had found using it at midnight.

But his son's reaction was terrible: "It started in a fit of anger. In his courage, he even said horribly disrespectful things towards my husband and me. When I saw him, shouting like a lunatic, he was nothing like my sweet and innocent child. He was not himself. It scared me so much that I ended up crying"says Susannah.

She says it all started when she started lending her son the iPad during his long road trips when he was 3 years old. But he had never realized how addicted his son had become until that moment in which her husband locked each game console and electronic device at home.

Of course, She is aware that all this was caused by not paying enough attention:

"It's my fault. I know it is. I haven't attached myself to respecting the screen limits. I've let him play because I was busy. I've told him to go play video games in his room so he can finish writing. I don't blame him. to anyone but me. "

But then, he says the change in his son has been impressive. Just 8 days after deciding to remove all electronics, the transformation has been so great, that I should share it with other people: "I knew that my son would change a little by not having the iPod in his hand, but I had no idea of ​​the dramatic improvement that would happen".

Before this electronic "detox", her son was so distracted that she came to seriously consider that they should check to see that he had no attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Her son never listened when she asked for things and had to repeat everything several times..

Now that his son had no electronic distraction, he was attentive. She asks him for something and he does it without having to say it again, because he is not thinking about playing or too focused on his iPod or video games, as he used to, to the degree of not listening to his mother's voice.

"He is happier. He is kinder to his sister. He goes out to play the yard without me suggesting it. He has not had a single tantrum or anger outburst. He reads books or draws when he is bored, and he loves that. His teacher says he is now more attentive in class. He hasn't woken up late to go to school for a single day. Speak more Look out the windows when we go in the car and ask questions about trees, clouds and cows. I had never been so happy to play with him in the car. Is different"says Susannah.

But although she is amazed at the change in her son, she makes something very clear: "I'm not an idiot. I always knew that playing too many video games was a bad thing, but I had no idea that was the reason for his bad behavior".

To set the example and above all, be consistent with what he said to him about spending too much time in front of a screen, she has also decided to put her cell phone aside. After this, he has had wonderful and sweet conversations with his son, enjoying a real quality time.

In Babies and more Set the example and release the mobile: the more screens parents use, the more screens children use

After those days of improvement, he says that They no longer want to give back their video games or their iPod, and what they really want is to destroy them with a baseball bat. And maybe he does, after seeing how much they can affect his son's life.

His post was received with hundreds of positive comments, some of other parents who also made that decision recently and they thank you for sharing it, so as not to end up giving in and wait for those first days of "adaptation" to have no screens in your life.

As a clarification, Susannah wrote a comment that maybe the situation with your son is a very particular:

"Children who don't have these problems are probably not addicted like my son. Some people can drink alcohol without major consequences. Others become alcoholics. It's similar. My daughter also enjoys video games, but they do not dominate her life the way they had done with my son's. If your children can play a little every day, and have no negative consequences on their mind and behavior, consider themselves lucky"he says.

As she comments, her case may be a very special one, but the truth is that many parents do not follow the recommendations of pediatricians about screen times, because it may be easier to let them use them longer, thinking that nothing happens if they do.

Remember that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends returning to basics: simple games without screens, such as puzzles, blocks or figures, that help stimulate children's imagination. Of course, the screens also have some benefits, and it has even been proven that playing video games as a family is also a way to improve your relationship. But like everything else, it must be with measure.

Photos | iStock
Via | Dearly

Video: Mothers discover their babies were switched at birth. 60 Minutes Australia (July 2024).