The last week in Peques and more

As usual, we will review Peques highlights and more. As you know, this sister blog publishes all the information that interests parents of children between 5 and 12 years old.

During these seven days, school-related issues such as educational attention in Finland have been reviewed (continuing, after the post of the previous week, with a study on the organization they have in this country) or the impact of the family's educational level on school failure.

In the leisure section we have been presented with a collection of books on origami, we have known a study on the reading habits of young Spaniards and they have told us about the existence of a Magic Club in Barcelona.

As for content for children, we have been able to know the opinion of the editors about the Pressing Catch at these ages (and the time it is broadcast on television) and read a literary criticism of the story of "Matilda", a girl who Fight to strengthen their identity and autonomy. They have also told us about the television program "Pelo, Pico, Pata" and how beneficial it is for children to be sensitized in the care of pets.

Finally, we have presented a series of resources that new technologies offer us and may interest us for our children such as the Disney website, the use of the Iphone or Ipod to listen to children's stories or a content control tool for parents on computers with the MAC operating system.

We have thought that these and other articles that you can find in Peques and more You can anticipate interesting information for when your children grow up.

Video: Introducing My New Sister!! (July 2024).