Cous-cous of vegetables. Recipe for pregnant women

This past weekend I had guests at home, I had to make an effort to prepare the menu, since one of them is vegetarian, who doesn't want to taste anything that comes from an animal, and who doesn't like fish , so after giving many laps to the menu I opted for this vegetable cous-cous. And the truth is that I am so rich, that I decided to present the recipe in this section, it is a really healthy and tasty dish.

With such a variety of vegetables is a vitamin pump but we can highlight those of the B complex: Riboflavin, Niacin, pathogenic acid and vitamin C. It also gives us iron, calcium, phosphorus and potassium.

The ingredients for 4 people

1 zucchini, 1 small eggplant, 1/2 onion, 1 garlic, 200 grams of mushrooms, 1 green pepper, 4 ripe tomatoes, 4 glasses of annealed cous-cous, water, oil, a sprig of parsley, salt and pepper.

The preparation

We clean and chop the zucchini, eggplant, onion, mushrooms, pepper, pereji and garlic.

Peel and chop the tomatoes.

In a pan with a good drizzle of oil, we fry all the vegetables over low heat, salt and pepper to taste.

When the vegetables are ready, we finish cooking the cous-cous following the manufacturer's instructions, usually it is boiling it for a couple of minutes with the same measure of water as cous-cous, with a couple of tablespoons of oil a pinch of salt.


We serve the hot vegetable cous-cous.

As a presentation in a sophisticated plan we can assemble it with a mold, cous-cous in the background and on top of the vegetable. Or more traditional a cous-cous volcano with the vegetable above for example.

Video: Dining with Diabetes : Easy Bean Salad (July 2024).