The age of the father when conceiving also matters: over 45 years could affect the health of mother and baby

When we talk about the best age to conceive or have children, we usually focus on the mother's age, because in biological terms, we have only a certain number of years recommended to conceive and bear a child in favorable conditions.

And the age of the father? A recent study has found that it also matters, because those men who have a baby after 45 years, could negatively affect the health of both the mother and the baby.

Conducted by the Stanford University School of Medicine, the study gathered data from more than 40 million deliveries between 2007 and 2016, in what is considered the first major study about paternity in advanced ages.

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According to the results, babies born to parents whose age is over 45, are more likely to be premature and to present risks or complications during childbirth, such as low weight.

But the age of the future father not only affects the baby, but also includes the mother's health, since it was found that his age could affect her health during pregnancy, increasing the chance of her developing diabetes.

According to your research, men who were older than 45 years were 14% more likely to have a premature baby, compared to younger parents, who will enter the range of 25 to 34 years of age.

It was also found that men 50 years of age or older would have a probability of 28% of being parents of a baby who needs to stay in the neonatal intensive care unit.

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On the other hand, in relation to the health of mothers, it was found that those who expected a child with men older than 45 years, would be 38% more likely to develop gestational diabetes, compared to those women who had children with parents more young boys.

The researchers conclude that An advanced paternal age is associated with negative effects on both the mother and the baby. This data is important and at the same time something that must be taken into account, because as we have mentioned on other occasions, both men and women wait more and more time to have children, for various reasons.

Video: Pregnancy Beyond Age 35 Reviewing the Risks (July 2024).