Educating the child with tolerance, eliminating racist aspects

There are many families of emigrants who have settled in Spain, their children go to Spanish schools and try to integrate learning language, customs, history, etc. It is important and necessary that let's educate our children for tolerance, we can't make distinctions for simple physical traits.

A Spanish child and an emigrant laugh the same, feel, think, cry, enjoy ... everything is the same, of course the physical features, language, customs or traditions are different, but this should not represent a stumbling block so that both cultures can merge and that children take advantage of the best of each culture, the result will always be very beneficial for both migrant children and for the natives of the country. In order for our children to have an open mind, understand and be tolerant, we must provide an adequate education, within tolerance and respect. A child alone is not intolerant, racist, he does not despise unless society and the parents themselves teach him to do so, establishing harmful values ​​for him and for society as a whole. We live in an era where the intellect should have reached the necessary capacity to banish terms such as racism, black, Moor, Sudaca, a thousand and one descriptive words that are mentioned in contemptible tones.

In all countries and in all races there are racial, cultural and discriminatory problems, we as parents have the possibility to change, if not the world, at least our environment, if all parents educate their children in the same way, the day in which people will look into each other's eyes and see virtually no difference, that should be our goal.

Video: Prejudice and Discrimination: Crash Course Psychology #39 (July 2024).