A strike that affects parturients

This news seems to be the last straw. The Santos Reyes de Aranda de Duero hospital stopped administering epidural anesthesia on July 1 in order to pressure the Administration to solve the problems of lack of personnel. They will only be administered if the delivery is complicated or if a cesarean section is performed.

We already know that in some cities such as Valencia, they do not put the epidural without prior request, but it does not seem logical that a woman who will give birth knowing that in her hospital they do administer it, due to problems outside her, she has to Take a birth as I had not thought.

But several couples in which the pregnant woman is in an advanced state of pregnancy, have denounced this circumstance, and thanks to the media coverage, has reached the Administration. So the hospital's Medical Director and the components of the anesthesia service have held a meeting today reaching an agreement, the epidural will be administered to the pregnant women who request it and to those that are necessary due to the development of the delivery.

What new surprise will bring us healing? It is incomprehensible how health professionals have no scruples in harming users to meet their needs, or is it the fault of the rulers?

Video: Incredible footage shows Syrian doctors perform lifesaving cesarean after missile strike leaves (July 2024).