Are you looking for reading recommendations for your children?

I was already taking in recommend children's readings for the summer, and I think now is a good time, because August is just around the corner. The most obvious (and at the same time necessary) advice is not to forget a good book in the suitcase (one for each family member).

In this post you will find children's and youth books that we have been recommending in the last 12 months. You will not find only readings that speak of summer or travel, or biased literary criticism, but the experience of having read each of them at home with the children.

Below all (and if I have apologized) the books for very young children, and also for teenagers that we have presented since July 2013 in Peques and Más. I hope they serve as a reference at least.

I start with her, yes by Nana, we have it very recent, but if we enjoy the convoluted story of a Sofi who changes her name to Nana in "Nana and I", we liked even more to discover the whole family at a beach campsite when we read "Nana and I on Vacation". Jenny Valentine gives us a magical character that is already part of our lives.

For all ages and all tastes

I'm going to make a hole now at readings for older children: when they are over 12 years old you can also read, and we have dedicated a very small space with "Bowen Island", an unforgettable story of fantastic adventures by César Mallorquí; the mysterious "Intrigue in Burton Castle" (by Natalia Demidoff); and two of Percy Jackson's books.

You, even if you read me make recommendations by age, you have to know that books are mostly to enjoy them, so it would be good if you let them choose. That flexibility will allow you to enjoy "Wonders" even if you are over 30 years old, and read it to children as young as six, because It is a true jewel with unrepeatable illustrations and a touching story.

We have read adventures with "Here are Monsters" by Jonhatan Emmett; philosophy with "The one hundred lives of the philosopher Socrates" by Yan Marchand; and classics with "The ballet shoes" by Noel Streatfeild.

I will remind you that Cristina and Nick de Batiscafo, in addition to presenting their project, reminded us that if parents want to bring literature to children you must read and enjoy it.

Books with values ​​or just for entertainment

And I continue ... we have presented several books of Edebé as "The W" for kids who start reading, "Spring Rolls" helping us appreciate friendship, and "The teacher who lacked hortography" in which a teacher get the best of themselves to children in a remote town.

We also liked Maeva's proposals: one more about mom Muu, "Mom Muu and the bump". And from Narwhal: the hilarious "Noise" (not to be missed); and a "Gerardo and the stories of the grandmother" that teaches about human relationships, about conflict resolution, and about overcoming differences.

I leave for the end some educational children's books: "Eugenia is born" with which children can become familiar with the biological processes of pregnancy and childbirth, "From girl to girl" (talks about things that interest preteen girls ", and" Air Curtains "that has the purpose of preventing sexual abuse.

I hope you like this compilation of the readings presented during the last 12 months, because I don't want to leave "Extreme Planet", a new Lonely Planet guide for the enjoyment of children.

And now if I'm done, I do it with the reminder that there are no books for girls or books for boys, the better let's keep a 'books for everyone', to have more freedom when choosing.

Video: The Best Book to Read to Your Kids (July 2024).