The last photo of the controversy: the boy who wants to breastfeed his little brother

"Don't worry, mommy, I have you covered" is the motto that accompanies this tender and funny image. Tender and funny? Many have been surprised. No, for them this snapshot can be offensive and even pornographic. And what I wonder in that case is ... isn't it a twisted vision? We talk about the last photo of the controversy: the boy who wants to breastfeed his little brother.

An image shared on social networks by the profile of support and normalization of breastfeeding Breastfeeding Mama Talk and that has ignited heated debates about its character: endearing and innocent or in bad taste and pornographic?

It seems to me that we are not taking into account that it is a small child who has not assumed gender differences, who knows that dad and mom are, but has not stopped to think why one pees sitting and the other does not, why one breastfeeds the baby and another does not. In fact, gender identity in children may not appear clearly defined until three or four years.

Children still take longer to establish a clear differentiation in roles, that is, simplifying, when they assume what men usually do and what women usually do. But not even in those cases does it have to be definitive that they don't want to do what others do, otherwise, What a bore if no child wanted to dress up as a child or vice versa! Or if children always played as dads and moms' girls ... And, of course, we don't have to force or limit their tastes or games.

Seeing the comments on Instagram, the fact that the older brother imitates his mother breastfeeding the baby It is not an unusual scene but it can be seen in many homes with young children. Perhaps you yourself have seen some similar scene, with your babies and also with dolls that "are breastfed" by girls, yes, but also by boys. Just as they play to be a mom or dad exchanging roles without any scandal.

By the way, in the social network of photographs all the comments are positive, noting that the image is adorable and that other children who play the same thing know. However, in the Facebook post, because of its greater scope, the controversy has been unleashed and there are comments of all kinds, giving some the impression that they come from people with mental faculties a little altered ...

Why I still find no explanation for the fact that breastfeeding is sexualized, you want to hide, be considered inappropriate in any situation. If it is a minor who imitates this natural activity, I imagine that these people will rebuke him and if he is a boy instead of a girl they will already think they are facing a aberration of nature.

Some say in the comments that if the child had used a bottle instead of his chest nothing had happened, but that the idea and take this photo is of "psychopaths", that those responsible need "serious help", that the photo is Indecorous, brutal and inappropriate to share... and other niceties worthy of analysis and for me truly offensive.

Some comments indicated that they were in favor of breastfeeding "but up to a certain limit", as if a red line had to be marked. And where is that line? I wonder. In breastfeeding in public? In teaching my children that only mom does and it is not appropriate for them to imitate her? Would I hide from my older children to breastfeed? Hence to say that breastfeeding has to be private and that "you don't need to see that" there is a step ... and some people do suggest that the mother who has allowed the image of the controversy should not breastfeed the baby before his eldest children.

Further readers have gone pointing out the pornographic nature of the image and saying that the child is sick for doing that and his parents and the photographer should be arrested for allowing it. And those words seem sick to me ...

Some comments even spoke of the supposed danger of harming the baby that could be suffocated by his little brother! But come on, I say that whoever took the picture was there for something ... and I see an accident in this really unlikely situation, or at least as unlikely as playing with his little brother in any other way.

Luckily, I don't lose hope in the human being: among the more than two thousand comments many have normalized the image and in addition many other photos of young children have been uploaded doing the same, with dolls or babies.

Anyway, with this panorama no wonder that the picture of the boy playing to breastfeed his brother is controversial, if breastfeeding causes controversy in public, in the army, in the church ... and if in addition so many times children are not allowed to be children freely.

Video: Heartbreaking Video Shows Young Boys Grieving Over Their Brother's Death (July 2024).